Hi! I'm Lindsay Ferrier. You might remember me from a blog called Suburban Turmoil. Well, a lot has changed since I started that blog in 2005. My kids grew up, I got a divorce, and I finally left the suburbs for the heart of Nashville, where I feel like I truly belong. I have no idea what the future will hold and you know what? I'm okay with that. Thrilled, actually. It was time for something totally different.
April 23, 2014
One of the best things about working from home is that I don’t have to get dressed for the office anymore. In fact, I like to start working the moment my kids leave for school- which means that I sometimes don’t get out of my pajamas until I finish up at around noon or 1:00.
Hey, it works for me.
…At least until the mail carrier comes to the door with a package. Or a friend unexpectedly stops by. Or I need to mail a letter and my neighbor’s outside doing yard work. Then it’s just embarrassing because in our society, we’ve come to equate a person who’s still in her pajamas at noon on a weekday with laziness and a lack of discipline– particularly if that person happens to be holding an XL bag of Cheetos in her not-yet-showered hands.
Still, I happen to know that I’m far from alone. Thanks to the Internet, more and more of us are working from home– in our PJs– and lemme tell ya, the “I’m not feeling very well today” excuse when someone unexpectedly rings the doorbell is starting to wear a little thin.
So here are 15 reasons why I’m not dressed yet. Feel free to use any of these excuses yourself the next time you open your front door at 1pm dressed only in Spongebob boxers and a fraternity social t-shirt from 1993.
1. This isn’t a nightgown! It’s a lacy, see-through maxi dress!
2. I was feeling generous and donated my entire wardrobe to Goodwill– This Forever Lazy was the only thing they wouldn’t take!
3. My personal assistant forgot to pick up the dry cleaning UHHH-GAIN!
4. I left an open Sharpie in the washing machine… and only remembered it after washing eight loads of laundry!
5. I was binge watching C-SPAN and couldn’t tear myself away!
6. It turns out I’m allergic to everything except my Hello Kitty footie pajamas!
7. I was up all night making care packages for soldiers!
8. You didn’t know? Today is National Pajama Day! (Note: This excuse will only work on May 1st. Get ready.)
9. I’m still jet lagged from my jaunt to Fiji.
10. I started reading my Bible when I woke up this morning and totally lost track of the time! OOPS.
11. The power came back on just a few minutes ago- Until then, I couldn’t see a thing in my closet!
12. It’ll be time to go to bed in just 10 hours and I want to be prepared!
13. Dingoes ate my wardrobe.
14. I loaned all my clothing to the Metropolitan for a featured installation on suburban style.
15. I read in this month’s Vogue that Sleepshirt Chic is going to be all the rage this fall… and they don’t call me a trendsetter for nothing!
And now, if you’ll excuse me… I think I’m going to go get dressed.
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Images: Header: Flickr 1. Lord & Taylor 2. Forever Lazy 3. Flickr 4. Flickr 5. Screen grab via C-SPAN 6. Amazon 7. Flickr 8. NationalPajamaDay.com 9. Flickr 10. Morguefile 11. Picmonkey 12. Morguefile 13. Morguefile 14. Flickr 15. Neiman Marcus
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