Hi! I'm Lindsay Ferrier. You might remember me from a blog called Suburban Turmoil. Well, a lot has changed since I started that blog in 2005. My kids grew up, I got a divorce, and I finally left the suburbs for the heart of Nashville, where I feel like I truly belong. I have no idea what the future will hold and you know what? I'm okay with that. Thrilled, actually. It was time for something totally different.
August 16, 2011
And now, a bizarre and excruciatingly embarrassing moment.
(Because I know how much you like those.)
As part of the BlogHer Conference in San Diego two weekends ago, I attended a luncheon hosted by McDonalds. This should surprise exactly none of you. Ronald and I are LIKE THIS.
Anyway, the luncheon was for about 40 women and McDonalds CEO Jan Fields was speaking. When I arrived, I greeted her and took my seat at a nearby table. I may even have felt a little smug as I sat there. After all, I knew Jan Fields. And Ronald. And now, here I was at a private luncheon. With beautiful centerpieces. And Asian Salads. Now I could die.
Wearing a deeply satisfied smile, I chit-chatted with the women at my table and caught up with Colleen, who was sitting next to me.
And that’s when it happened.
From out of nowhere came a noise so loud and explosive that it sounded like a bomb was going off in our midst. Or a herd of elephants had just burst through the door. Or a jet plane was landing on our heads. It was the kind of noise that makes babies cry. Eyes roll back in heads. Eardrums burst.
And I reacted the way that any rational, thinking person would be expected to react.
I screamed.
At the top of my lungs.
Yes, friends, this was no ‘girlish squeal’ or ‘startled shriek’. This was the bone-chilling scream of bloody murder. The kind of scream that made Jamie Lee Curtis famous in Halloween.
And at the moment that that scream emanated from the depths of my profoundly disturbed soul, I realized that the exploding bomb was actually…
…feedback from the PA system.
Looking back, I have to say that I was very lucky to have realized this fact so quickly. Because I managed to stop my scream at the same time that the PA system was turned off. As shockingly loud as my scream was, it would have been infinitely more embarrassing for me had it continued in the silent room after the feedback stopped.
Still, the damage had been done.
Once the PA system was turned off, the ladies at my table and I stared at each other, befuddled. For a long moment, no one could speak. Finally, a woman sitting across from me gathered her wits enough to say:
“Who was that SCREAMING?!”
“I have no idea,” I said quickly. I looked at Colleen. “Was it you, Colleen?”
“No,” she sputtered. “Of course not!”
“Well, who would do such a thing?” I asked innocently. “Scream like that? What a weirdo.”
The luncheon got underway and the scream was forgotten, by everyone but me anyway. Because it occurred to me as I politely listened to Jan Fields speak that I had screamed bloody murder not ten feet away from her just a few minutes earlier.
And that certainly had not been on my to-do list for BlogHer ’11.
And then I couldn’t stop giggling. Because I’m mature like that.
I told my family this story last night and oddly, they weren’t suprised at my reaction. But my 18-year-old did inform me that this kind of response to a loud noise isn’t exactly normal.
“Of course it’s normal,” I retorted. “I was using my animal instinct.”
“How’s that?” she asked.
“When I scream as loud as I can, I am instinctively asserting my dominance over the loud noise,” I said. “I’m saying, ‘Don’t mess with me, loud noise. Because I’m louder.’ And so that loud noise isn’t going to bother me. It’s going to choose a quieter person.”
“Just like bears,” my husband mused.
Just like bears.
Image via bixentro/Flickr
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laughing and laughing and laughing. it reminds of the time during a real estate course that our teacher was looking for a word…he was saying, you know like a dog, a girl dog…being the over-achiever that I am, I yell out “oh, oh, BITCH”.
Silence fell over the room, people squirmed in their fiberglass seats and the teacher…well he just looked at me with something akin to derision laced with a healthy dose of “you are a nutbar” and finally coughed up the word he was looking for….which, by the way, was NOTHING like anything having to do with female dogs.
Ah yes…my cheeks still glow at the memory…
LOL! thanks for the laugh today, lindsay! 🙂
Shame on your for blaming poor Colleen! I am in awe of your quick thinking!! LOLOL!
I am very good at blaming those around me for my social faux pas. NOT THAT I EVER HAVE SOCIAL FAUX PAS. ;D
So funny! It reminds me of this time when I was in 8th grade choir and I sang the solo with the boy who was actually SUPPOSED to sing the solo and my friend turned to me and asked “why did you sing the solo?” And I looked at her like she was crazy and said, “I didn’t!” even though it was clear to everyone that I had.
Ha ha ha ha! That is worthy of blog post all its own! And I’m sure that boy remembers that TO THIS DAY. ;D
Don’t feel bad. My cleaning lady walked up my driveway as I was getting in my car one morning, and I screamed in the most inhuman way. In some sort of out of body experience, I could hear myself and was trying to stop b/c I could recognize how freakish it was, but no……I took a breath…….and did it again.
These comments are cracking me up! SO glad to know I’m not alone with the inhuman screaming!
I scream every time my husband walks into the room unexpected. I think he thinks I hate him!
Think about it this way: you could have done SO many other things that would have been far worse than screaming!
That made me giggle, too. LOL
Hahaha, I just woke my son up laughing. I’ve totally done this before, and there wasn’t even a lasting noise to cover it up. I love how smoothly you played it off, though. 🙂
At least except for the random snorting throughout the rest of the luncheon! ;D
Still laughing…. what a great way to start my day! I love how you are able to share your… um.. er…. moments!
I am a firm believer that humiliation is meant to be shared– and laughed at! ;D
Just like bears!
I am laughing so hard right now! Especially because that could have so easily been me who had shrieked.
Actually, it sounds like a common reaction to sensory overload. My son and I both have sensory processing dysregulation and I can almost guarantee I would have been screaming along with you. Basically, your amygdala read the sound as an attack and activated the fight or flight response. In this case, fight. I’m not suggesting you are experiencing SPD, but I can tell you while it may not be “normal”, your reaction is absolutely reasonable.
This is good to know! I am FIGHTER. Not a … um… FLIGHTER.
[…] thousands of bloggers, interviewed Bridesmaids star Wendi McClendon-Covey, and (accidentally!) screamed like a baby in front of McDonalds’ CEO. […]