Now You are Eight

  1. What beautiful memories you have together.  You are certainly blessed, because no matter how the years may pass by, no one could ever take those memories away. 🙂

  2. Becca Pippin says:

    Happy birthday Punky!

    Auntie Becca

  3. NancyB says:

    Such a beautiful post for a beautiful girl.  Happy Birthday to Punky!

  4. Kimberly says:

    That was such a wonderful post about Punky!  What a sweet and beautiful little girl.  I know you are so proud.  🙂 

  5. Wow! She is looking so grown up. I am so happy to hear that she isn’t ready for boys yet. There is so much time for that 🙂 Great job, mom! You are raising a great girl! Happy birthday, Punky!

  6. Such a loving tribute to a beautiful girl! My daughter turns 7 today and you expressed so many similar sentiments.

  7. says:

    So beautiful!  It gives me hope to get through these toddler years.  

  8. S. says:

    She is just precious, and beautiful!

  9. She’s beautiful. Happy birthday, Punky!

  10. […] on the Affordable Care Act in the Roosevelt Room. Don’t worry- I left the Booty Pop at home. My precious daughter turned eight and I waxed rhapsodic about that. I was poisoned, and lived to tell the tale. I mulled over whether […]

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