Hi! I'm Lindsay Ferrier. You might remember me from a blog called Suburban Turmoil. Well, a lot has changed since I started that blog in 2005. My kids grew up, I got a divorce, and I finally left the suburbs for the heart of Nashville, where I feel like I truly belong. I have no idea what the future will hold and you know what? I'm okay with that. Thrilled, actually. It was time for something totally different.
June 21, 2012
I actually wasn’t going to write the story of what I hope is our worst summer camp experience ever.
This time I was going to take the high road. The blogless road. The boring road. I would simply e-mail the camp’s director with a well-thought out, reasonable list of the problems I saw with the camp- and why my daughter wouldn’t be coming back.
But once I started writing the e-mail, I got more and more annoyed… and when I ended it with “What the hell?” and found myself completely unable to delete those words, I realized that my irritation might be better … released … in a blog post — one that (AS USUAL) doesn’t mention any names or identifying details.
So here goes.
First off, it’s important to tell you that Punky has been going to summer day camps for the past three years. She’s learned to take care of horses, make flowers out of tissue paper, act in a professional theater, and mold and fire clay into some very interesting creations that are “too precious” to display. Summer camp also has taught her to make friends quickly with complete strangers, and she’s become very skilled at it — By the end of the first day, she routinely comes home with a handful of phone numbers and addresses, and generally spends the rest of the summer chatting with her new friends on the phone and mailing letters back and forth.
This year, Punky chose acting camp for the second year in a row (which she LOVED), as well as the camp I’m writing about today, which is for 5-8 year-olds and is the summer program of one of her favorite activities during the school year. On Monday, I picked her up after the first day of camp and expected her, as usual, to be excited and giggly and eager to tell me about all of her new pals. Instead, she was somber.
“I only made one friend,” she said sadly. “And she had other friends. So I sat by myself at lunch time, and I had no one to play with on the playground.” She started sniffling and my begged not to go back the next day and my heart broke a little. I was in a quandary, because these are the kinds of things your kids needs to figure out on their own, right? These are the situations where you take a step back, even though it hurts, and let your child navigate her own way. So I gave Punky the whole “It sometimes takes time to make friends,” and “Give it a few more days” and “I’m sure it’ll be better tomorrow.”
After some thought, though, I e-mailed the camp’s director to let her know what was going on. I assured her that I wasn’t trying to hover, but thought she might want to mention it to Punky’s teacher so that if she noticed Punky sitting by herself, she could encourage her in some way. The camp is small, the children are young, I had already e-mailed back and forth with the director several times on other matters, and I figured that if I were the teacher, I’d want to know if one of my kids was having trouble.
The director didn’t e-mail me back, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. She was busy and surely she’d said something to Punky’s teacher and it would all work itself out.
The next afternoon, though, was the same as the first. “I met a few more people,” Punky told me, “but I still sat by myself at lunch time and at recess. It was okay, though, because I sat by the air conditioner at lunch and imaginated instead.”
Well, shoot. This did not sound like my daughter AT ALL. “Punky,” I said, “Try to make it through the end of this week and you don’t have to go back next week.”
“YAYYYYYYY!” she said excitedly. “Thank you, Mommy!”
Yesterday morning, Dennis took Punky to camp as usual and called me right after he dropped her off.
“I walked her to the door,” he said, “and do you know that not one teacher made eye contact with Punky or me or greeted her when she walked inside? They all just stood there. It gave me a really bad feeling. Why don’t you just pick her up early after your appointment today and let’s just call it quits?”
And that’s what I did. When I got to the camp about an hour before dismissal, the kids were all crammed in on a tiny playground, while the teachers relaxed in folding chairs. The first thing I noticed was that a boy was standing about 20 feet away from the teachers, holding his eye in pain and crying loudly. No one paid any attention. Then I saw two little girls who looked to be around six years, playing alone across the parking lot, out of sight of the teachers and far away from the playground. I made sure the boy was okay, then went up to one of the teachers and told her I was checking my daughter out early. She was pleasant enough and helped me find her in the crowd of children.
As we prepared to leave, the teacher asked Punky, “Now are you going into first grade or second?”
“I’m going into third,” Punky said. The teacher looked at her, confused.
“Oh,” she said. “You’re in my class.”
Oh no. Oh hell no.
This after three full days of activities, experiments, and lessons.
As we left, I asked Punky, “Have you ever actually talked to her before, one on one?” I was still trying to process how it was possible that the woman didn’t recognize her. Punky gave me a strange look.
“Of course I have, Mommy,” she said. “She’s my teacher!”
I struggled writing the e-mail to the camp director last night, telling her that Punky wouldn’t be back. I don’t want to be one of “those” parents. But she needed to know why Punky wouldn’t be returning. This is finally what I settled on:
Just wanted to let you know that Punky will not be returning to camp. I picked her up an hour early today and checked her out with her teacher, who was very surprised to discover that Punky was a member of her class, and had been in her room for the last three days. Given the fact that Punky has been struggling this week and that her teacher doesn’t even know who she is, I think it’s probably best that this experience be relegated to our family’s “One day, this will be funny” file as soon as possible.
Still waiting on the funny.
What would you have done?
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That is challenging. It is a shame that last year the experience was so much better. This just goes to show how important good teachers are. I probably would have done the same thing, but I’ll tell you, given my propensity for upfront, call a spade a spade, attitude, I probably would have called or gone down to speak face to face with the director. It is hard to ignore someone if they are in front of you…emails get ignored ALL the time. Good luck. I think you made the right decision
You were (are) kind. I’m pretty sure that I would have fallen off the high road. If this is a quality organization, the director needs to hear specifics. Given the specifics, I would judge the camp by the reaction you get from investing time in letting her know.
Send her down here to Atlanta and we will play on my poodle & chicken farm. 🙂
Ha! Can I come too?
Oh, absolutely the same thing. I would have gotten her out of there so fast, but I wouldn’t let this die down. Make sure you are heard! And I hope this busts their butts to change up their deal for those other poor kids.
I would also be sure that other (local) parents know about your experience. Talk it up! Spread the word! From your description I bet you are not the only one who had a bad experience. Some of the other parents may not have the option to pull their kids out (if they are working, etc…) but it sounds like they have no business operating a summer day camp for kids.
I would have pulled her too. My kids go to day camp and I’d be upset if their counselors didn’t know who they were!
That’s so not nice. They should have at least KNOWN where the kids are – and be SUPERVISING, not ignoring. Grrrr. I assume you had to pay for this camp, too?
Yes! We paid for two weeks. UGHHHH.
I think you should insist on getting your money back. They barely provided the services you paid for in the three days Punky was there, and the situation was completely unacceptable. She’s not a 10 year old who can be autonomous.
I agree. Use the email she sent you showing that she had no idea who Punky’s teacher was to demand a refund.
What a load of crud-ola. How the heck do you get to the 3rd day and not know who your kids are? but honestly, that junk on the playground bothers me as much, if not more. I wonder what the parents of those little girls that were out of the line of vision would think if they knew that.
I would have blown a gasket that they weren’t up off their posteriors, or at the VERY LEAST, have their lawn chairs spread out to see all angles.
idiots…sorry, no other word for it. well, no other word I’m willing to type as I am making a concerted effort to not use big girl words. 🙂
Ha! I know what you mean. I’m trying very hard to not overreact because I LOVE this program in general- but the summer camp has ISSUES.
I’m also thinking of every other summer camp we’ve attended- where the counselors have always met my daughter at the door and said “Hi Punky!” and acted very happy to see her. They even manage to do this at the Vacation Bible Schools we’ve attended. I would understand if her teacher hadn’t remembered her name, but SHE DIDN’T EVEN RECOGNIZE HER. What the hell?
I’d have taken pics with my cell of the scenerios you described, time/date stamped, and attached them with captions as to what was going on, but sent the same message, as it was rather perfectly stated.
That’s a good idea! Honestly, when I saw all of this, all I could think was “WHERE IS MY CHILD?” because I couldn’t find her for a few minutes. I barely had the wherewithal to stop and ask the crying boy if he was okay.
In hindsight, of course, I would have done a LOT of things differently. At the time, I just wanted to find my daughter and get the heck out of there!
I am a ‘Letter to the Editor” kind of gal. I know you need to be careful about burning bridges if you use this camp during the year, but I would not let it die. I also would follow through with the director. If she is a good business woman, she will want to hear this. Any chance she is out of town since you never received a reply?
The director e-mailed me back this morning and said it was too bad Punky wouldn’t be returning, because she had a plan in place to deal with the situation. She even forwarded me the e-mail she’d sent to the teacher, as well as the teacher’s response that she was on it.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t Punky’s teacher. Punky was in an entirely different class of children.
Talk about making a situ worse!
I’d have email again that “yes it a very unfortunate situation and I hate we won’t be able to try this solution w Miss X. The solution sounds nice, but who exactly is Miss X? Miss Y is/was Ps teacher”
Don’t let that director NOT know she’d screwed up majorly by not knowing who Ps teacher was, too!!
Holy guacamole. That is unacceptable.
That just sounds like a hot mess. Sometimes our kids need to learn to suck it up and deal with things, but it doesn’t sound like this camp was one of them.
Wow. I feel really bad for all those other kids in their care. I think you handled it very well. I would have done the same thing!
Good job, Mama! As I former teacher, 3 days is long enough to know who your kids are! Ri-damn-diculous!
I would ask for a refund. I am sorry that happened but there is absolutely no excuse for not giving your child an amazing camp experience. THAT is what they are there for.
Um. I know you’re too classy to “name names,” but this makes me really glad I don’t live in Nashville, because I would be afraid to send my kids to that God-forsaken place by mistake. Unacceptable.
Also, my husband and I own a taekwondo school, and he knows every. single. one. of his 350 students’ names. No excuse for not at least recognizing her. I work a different full-time job and even I recognize most of our kids!
I love your email to her. Summed it up perfectly.
You at least waited 3 days. We pulled Our daughter out of another local Nashville camp after one day a couple of years ago. I also highly recommend Camp Whippoorwill! We’ve done a lot of day camps and is by far my 8 year olds favorite two years running.
Yikes. Hopefully, if you know any of the other parents that send their kids, you will tell them so they can pull their kids out as well. It honestly seems flat out unsafe to me.
I would ask for a refund and tell other parents. Talking with other parents kept my daughters, and some of their children out of classrooms with horrible teachers when they were younger.
I’m not sure if that is the entirety of your email, but I certainly would have added even more based on what you told us! Goodness gravy! That is so heartbreaking and enraging at the same time.
I hope you told them, “I am so blogging about this!”
When she wrote back to tell me that the problem had been addressed- (and included an e-mail that she had sent “addressing the problem” to a teacher who wasn’t Punky’s!), I sent another e-mail detailing the other problems. No response so far…
I hate when my boys hate camp. They HATE going to the Y. Unfortunately, for a couple of weeks during the summer they HAVE to go to the Y because it is literally the only option.
It’s clear to me that the Y feels that their responsibility is to keep the children alive. Anything else is gravy.
I guess it’s good experience for my boys. They go to private school, so this immersion with the masses is a good experience.
I assure you, if a better option presents itself, we will avail ourselves immediately!
I’m pretty appalled given the quality of camps in town. I probably would have requested a refund.
Well you can probably guess how reading this made me feel. 🙁
Give Punky a big hug from me!
Oh no…poor Punky. We had an experience like this as well. I think that you can tell the second you check your kids in how the camp is going to go. It’s amazing to me how many camp just don’t think about welcoming and caring for kids!!
My girls (5 & 7 at the time) told me that they were thinking about leaving camp and walking home (2 miles away!). The worst part? They totally could have done that and I doubt anyone would have noticed.
Needless to say, we didn’t return.
That is crazy! Did you ever receive a response from the director?
[…] a burlesque dancer, and flew on an honest-to-god trapeze. I put my daughter in what has to be one of the worst summer camps in Nashville (when you pay a surprise visit and find that your kid’s counselor doesn’t even know who […]
[…] first half of your eighth year was bumpy. You endured a rotten summer camp. You dealt with your grandmother’s unexpected death. You struggled to make friends in your […]