If you’re a parent, you’re probably getting hit hard right about now with back-to-school catalogs. Sure the clothes are cute, but the lives of kids in catalogs look nothing like our lives when the school year rolls around. Take a look at back to school, catalog-style: “Did you hear?” Laredo whispered. “Basmati got sent home […]


August 20, 2015

Back to School, Catalog Style

You say ‘back to school’… I say GAME ON! We moms have spent a lazy summer Facebooking inspirational quotes, shuttling our kids back and forth from day camps, and Instagramming daily photos of our knees at the subdivision pool. Now that we’ve caught up on sleep and season three of Orange is the New Black, […]


August 11, 2015

20 Back-To-School Ideas That Will Seal Your Top Mom Status

Somewhere in the Bible, there’s a verse (Ezrakiah 26:10, if you must know) that talks about the fall of man: And lo! Adam didst bite into the serpent’s apple and a curse felleth upon him and upon all generations that he begatted. From thence onward, mankind wath banished from ye olde Garden of Eden. Women […]


August 10, 2015

The School Supply List: Your Worst Back-to-School Nightmare

I know a lot of you out there wrinkle your noses at brussels sprouts- I was never a huge fan, either, until I learned how to roast them (and every other vegetable known to man) in the oven. But believe it or not, I’ve found an even tastier, simpler way to prepare them- and now, […]

Food, Live, Sides

May 20, 2015

These Pan Roasted Brussels Sprouts Will Make You Weep with Joy

When my kids were small, there was one noise that never failed to fill me with an overwhelming urge to stab out my eardrums with a seafood fork. It was the sound of Dora the Explorer on television. Years later, hearing “Swiper, no swiping!” blare from our television set as the kids flip channels still makes me break […]


April 2, 2015

What the World Needs Now is Less Cartoon Network

I write only rarely now about my ten-year-old daughter, whom I call ‘Punky’ on this blog. I’ve never had any official policy on writing about my kids or stepkids- I’ve just gone with my gut, and so far, things seem to have worked out pretty well. My children beg me now to read them funny […]


March 26, 2015

Punky Ferrier. FENCER.

Dear Bruiser, What a year you’ve had! It’s safe to say that seven has been your best year yet. 365 days ago, you were still a little boy. Today, you’re a big one. This time last year, you were still showing up in our room every morning at four a-m, whispering, “Can I sleep with you guys?” and […]


March 19, 2015

Now You Are Eight

I have a vague memory of seeing Pippin when I was about five years old. I don’t remember much about it, except that it was performed at the junior college in Gainesville, Georgia, there was singing, and the main character was a young man. Based on this careful research, I decided to take my own […]


March 13, 2015

Should You Take Your Kids to See Pippin?

Yep. This is how we roll. This school week ended with 4 inches of snow and two more snow days- bringing our total snow day count to TEN in just three weeks. While yesterday (Snow Day 9) was mostly lovely and friends came over and everyone stayed busy and happy, as soon as those friends left and […]


March 6, 2015

Snow Days Spring Eternal… But So Does HOPE.

We have had a plethora of snow days lately at Casa Ferrier. At first, the unexpected break was terrific- but now, the snow has melted, school’s STILL out, and parents all over the city are running out of things to do. Fortunately, I have a few ideas for you, based on what WE’RE doing today… Lie […]


February 24, 2015

What to Do with Your Kids on Their (ELEVENTY BILLIONTH) Snow Day!