When it comes to bad bosses, she was one of the worst — the kind who had no personal life outside the newsroom she managed. We joked that she slept in her office and never actually went home, and honestly, it wasn’t a stretch to imagine her emerging from beneath her desk each morning, straightening […]

Deep Thoughts, Personal

January 22, 2021

We Had a Bad Boss

Crying Woman

Truth be told, I’d rather close the book on 2020 and never, ever look back. But this blog is a record of my life, after all, and when historians carefully pore over these entries centuries from now for insight into how suburban white women lived during the (guessing here) Doucebaggian Period of American History, I’m […]

Deep Thoughts, Family, Personal

January 8, 2021

What I Learned From 2020

Masks 2020

Dear Parents, As you may have heard, our school board unanimously decided during last night’s Zoom meeting to hold in-person classes at all of our district’s schools, starting August 10th. Although some parents have expressed concern about sending their children back to school in the midst of an out-of-control pandemic, we have come to the […]

Deep Thoughts, Humor, Personal

August 4, 2020

The Back-to-School Memo That Should Have Been Sent to Parents This Year

Students Going Back to School

So. Let’s talk about school. And let’s talk about it with the caveat that I’m not trying to push a position on you here, and I’m certainly not telling you what you should decide for your kid. Each of us has our own individual set of circumstances and we’ve all got to do what works […]

Deep Thoughts, Personal

July 15, 2020

School’s Starting Soon and I’m Not Feeling Good About It. Here’s Why.

Empty Classroom

This is the year we learn what it’s like to live with fear as a backdrop. It feels right now like outside the walls of my home, the world is burning down. Since I last wrote, Coronavirus has invaded the planet and shows no signs of relenting. More than a hundred thousand people have died […]

Deep Thoughts, Personal

July 1, 2020

Oh Hi.

Typing Computer Keyboard

Here’s something I’ve never shared with you before: I have a child with an autoimmune disease. It’s something I haven’t written about because like many autoimmune diseases, it’s an invisible illness. Although my child has struggled and life since diagnosis hasn’t been easy, you probably wouldn’t have any idea my kid had anything going on […]

Deep Thoughts, Family, Personal

March 23, 2020

Still Wondering Why You Should Stay at Home? Read This.


My Facebook feed is filled right now with moms and dads resolutely trying to help their kids do all of their schoolwork from home. And I feel for them, because I know how hard it is. This is my fourth year of homeschooling my daughter under much the same conditions — Teachers set her curriculum […]

Deep Thoughts, Personal

March 20, 2020

It’s Time to Cancel School Until Fall

School Year Coronavirus

You probably have a lot of thoughts and feelings right now about coronavirus. So do I, my friend. Honestly, I feel like I have no words for what’s going on — but that’s what GIFs are for, right? So here’s a look at my life right now — IN GIFS…   Me, watching the news. […]

Deep Thoughts, Humor, Personal

March 13, 2020

How I’m Feeling About Coronavirus Right Now. A Story in GIFs.

Sheldon Meme

Not to panic you, but I’d like to announce that I’m officially panicking about coronavirus. And before you come at me with your medical expert-quoting article links on why I shouldn’t be panicked, let me say from the outset that I fully realize most people who get the illness are recovering, and kids and teenagers […]

Deep Thoughts, Personal

February 27, 2020

I’m Panicking About People Panicking About Coronavirus

Coronavirus Panic

You can’t look at TV or social media today without seeing the name Kobe Bryant. The death of Kobe, his 13-year-old daughter, and seven others in a helicopter crash shocked the nation and brought many to tears. Yesterday, most of the posts and stories I read portrayed Kobe as a sort of angel on earth […]

Deep Thoughts, Personal

January 27, 2020

It’s Okay to Be Sad About Kobe Bryant’s Death

Kobe Bryant Death