Les Misérables is the longest-running play in Broadway history and a favorite musical for many (including me!). But should you bring the kids when it comes to your town or leave them home with the sitter? Here’s what you need to know before you go. I saw Les Misérables for the first time on a French […]

Family, Personal

November 15, 2017

Is Les Misérables for Kids?

Should I Take Kids to Les Miserables

Hell hath no fury like a mommy blogger scorned, and Reese Witherspoon is learning this the hard way. The mom blogging world erupted over the weekend when news emerged that Reese Witherspoon threw some serious shade at the ‘mommy blogger’ community. After accepting WSJ Magazine’s Entertainment Innovator of the Year award, she had this to […]

Family, Humor, Personal

November 7, 2017

Reese Witherspoon Dissed Mommy Bloggers and I Don’t Care

Reese Witherspoon Mommy Blogger Drama

I’m guessing it’s not good form to start off the review of a Broadway musical with a severe case of neck strain. But in my mind, the two are inexorably linked, and if you find that strange and annoying, well, welcome to my blog, people. You get what you get. So. I woke Wednesday morning […]

Family, Personal

November 3, 2017

‘An American in Paris’: Your Neck Will Thank you.

An American in Paris TPAC

  Everyone knows about Halloween, but did you know that the day after Halloween is a very special day as well? November 1st has been designated by, um, officials, as the Feast Day of St. Mom. On this widely-celebrated day, participating moms (who, as we all know, are total saints), feast on the candy their children […]

Family, Humor, Personal

November 1, 2017

For Moms, the True Celebration Happens the Day AFTER Halloween

Feast Day Halloween

Sooner or later, there comes a time when your kids don’t need you quite as much as they once did. They have their own things to do and places to go that don’t require your constant presence, and you suddenly find yourself with time again to put more effort into your career, time to plan […]

Family, Personal

August 31, 2017

The In-Between Years

Navigating the In-Between Years

Looking for TV shows and movies the entire family can enjoy? Here are my 20 top Hulu picks! This excellent opportunity for me to scour Hulu’s library for my top TV and movie picks is brought to you in partnership with Hulu and CafeMom. Over the last 15 years, my family has made lots of […]

Family, Personal, Sponsored

August 8, 2017

The 20 Best Hulu Shows for Families

Great Family Shows on Hulu

My son knows what he wants … at least until he doesn’t want it anymore. The streets of downtown Gatlinburg are lined with storefront windows, all filled to overflowing with souvenirs. There are airbrushed t-shirts and leather handbags, knives and swords and cowboy hats, billowy caftans and homemade fudge, lace tablecloths and wood carvings — […]

Family, Global, Personal, Travel, United States

July 26, 2017

Souvenir Shopping, Kid Style

Summer camp rocked… except for a few unwanted guests my son brought home with him from an overnight campout in the woods!  Despite all indications to the contrary, my ten-year-old son somehow survived his harrowing week at sleepaway camp. However, in keeping with this blog’s name, there was indeed some turmoil while he was away. When […]

Family, Personal

June 29, 2017

My Son, the Tick Magnet

Tick Magnet

I was prepared for my son to be homesick while he was at sleepaway camp. No one told me how hard it would be on me. Last Friday, we dropped off my 10-year-old son at an overnight camp for the very first time. Of all our kids, he’s the least likely candidate for a weeklong […]

Family, Personal

June 14, 2017

Sleepaway Camp is Not For the Weak

Overnight Camp

The notices had been coming home in my son’s folder for weeks. His school was having its first-ever Spelling Bee and the entire fourth grade — the top dogs at his elementary school — would participate. In preparation, word lists were sent home. E-mails were sent out. Flyers were distributed. My son’s teacher even showed Akeelah and the Bee one […]

Family, Personal

May 25, 2017

Bruiser and the Bee

Bruiser and the Bee