I happen to be married to a Manly Man, which I’m coming to appreciate more and more now that the Manly Man is slowly becoming extinct in our society. The Manly Man, once revered in westerns and pioneer sagas, now is more likely to be connected to inane TV sitcoms featuring beer-drinking rednecks. These days, […]
March 27, 2017
My family has been on the road a LOT this year– When my husband lost his job, I decided there was no time like the present to pursue more travel writing jobs — It’s the direction I’ve always wanted go with my professional writing. Consequently, we’ve found ourselves this year on beaches and prairies, […]
December 2, 2016
Dear God, This week, millions of us will pack carry-ons and stuff duffle bags, load up car trunks and wearily wait in long airport lines, put fresh sheets on sofa beds and compose miles-long grocery lists, all in preparation for Thanksgiving Day — a time for us to gather together with friends and family members, […]
November 21, 2016
The parents of social media are in a bit of a kerfuffle right now over the release of a movie every single 8 to 12-year-old boy in America is dying to see… Deadpool. I did not realize until this week that for millions of moms and dads across the country, SUPERHERO + MOVIE = FAMILY […]
February 18, 2016
I love Netflix– but one thing I don’t love about it is that it can be impossible to sort through all the ‘meh’ and the ‘eww’ to find truly find the top Netflix movies, documentaries and TV shows. Netflix’s interface is clunky, and unless you know what you’re looking for — you’re pretty much out […]
January 20, 2016
This morning before the sun rose, I woke to the infernal buzz of my alarm clock, stumbled out of bed, and blearily began going through the many motions that it takes to get two kids packed and dressed and showered and fed and ready to head off to two different schools on time. And I […]
November 5, 2015
You might have noticed by now that adult coloring books are a major trend. Okay… Wait. Now I’m getting a mental image of a coloring book with black-and-white drawings of Playboy Centerfolds, and that’s just all kinds of wrong. Let me rephrase that first sentence. Coloring books for adults are a big trend right now. They are so popular, […]
October 15, 2015
As most of you know, we recently put my eight-year-old son ‘Bruiser’ on an electronic fast for an entire week. That meant no television (except for our weekly Family Movie Night). No iPad. No iPhone. No video games. No computer (unless he was working on his ‘novel’). Nothing. Nada. Nilch. (Yes, I realize that nilch […]
October 6, 2015