Little Shop of Horrors

  1. Meg McCormick says:

    oooohhhhh nooooo. I am… just…. so, so sorry. Dental work is, well, GAH. I’m sorry.

  2. ClassyMommy says:

    OMG. This is horrible. So horrible. Things can only get better now right? And… I miss you! How did I not see you at BlogHer either? xoxo

    • suburbanturmoil says:

      I heard a rumor you were there… and I didn’t believe it. Because WHY DIDN’T I SEE YOU?! I still have that crazy photo booth flip book, by the way. Oh the memories… 🙂

  3. Anne says:

    There’s nowhere to go from here but up!! “Sucked” is too kind a word for your day. How about “sucked horrendously”? You cried … I’d have screamed! Not to mention that I’d have ripped off my “loose dress” and strangled her with it for asking if I were pg!!

    • suburbanturmoil says:

      Ha! There was some performance pressure given that I could see half the office standing in the doorway behind me as I cried. It was a little intimidating…

  4. Gertie says:

    You really need to go to a different practice. These quacks have taken enough of your time and dignity, no?

  5. Leigh says:

    This almost made ME cry, just thinking about it! I am so sorry, and I have all the sympathy in the world–dental work is just awful anyway, and to go through all this unnecessary stuff . . . and then get asked if you were pregnant . . . I can’t even. And I would report “Dr Payne” to the state licensing board; there is no excuse for how he screwed this all up.

  6. Miss B says:

    I am so, so, so sorry that this is happening to you.

  7. NancyB says:

    That definitely falls into the “worst fears realized” category! I would have been crying also because I tend to be really patient with things (“Oh I understand the mixup blah, blah”…) but I think a few F-bombs would have fallen out of my mouth in the process!
    Teeth issues are the WORST!

    • suburbanturmoil says:

      I was in a predicament- I wanted to walk out, but I HAD NO CROWN. They had even taken out my temporary! AAARRRGGGHH.

  8. Yvonne says:

    I too share in your misery. But before I could get my crown they did a
    root canal. Then they put on the new, VERY expensive crown, and I had
    problems with pain. So I got to sit thru ANOTHER root canal on the same
    tooth. And to do it they had to drill thru my new and VERY expensive
    crown! What is going on with the world of dentistry these days? I guess
    MN dentists aren’t aren’t better than TN dentists! So sorry about your
    trials. I feel for you!

  9. Melissa says:

    Oh sweetie!!! I’m so sorry! At least it sounds like Dr. McRootcanal is a better dentist than Dr. Payne. And they’re not going to charge you for the first crown. But I’m still trying to wrap my head around why she felt the need to ask if you were pregnant…?

    • suburbanturmoil says:

      I guess it’s a standard question before nitrous oxide? But really, couldn’t she have just said “THIS IS A STANDARD QUESTION”???

  10. jeniferl says:

    I am so so sorry!!

  11. Keya says:

    My God.
    Did any black cats cross your path or something? I think this could possibly be a part of a persons annual misfortune. I think everyone has a stretch of time that really stinks and it seems as if nothing can go right.

  12. Natasha Parker says:

    Oh my! ‘m so sorry to hear this. What has your friend who recommended this office had to say?

  13. Amy says:

    Lindsay – I have been reading your blog for YEARS and YEARS now – and this post really upset me. i have a best friend who is a dental hygienist, has been for 30+ years and is very professional. I sent her the two posts about this and asked for her feedback. She said that you should report this to the state dental board, who is committed to investigating every complaint. She said that this office is definitely not run well, and is not doing quality work and that needs to be looked into for the sake of other patients.
    She also said some other things – for one, you would not have ‘staggered’ to the car under the effects of the nitrous – they give you oxygen afterwards and it totally removes the effects of the gas from your body. She also said that the temporary crowns DO pop out sometimes and that, itself is not a sign of poor dental work.
    However – going back to the 2nd visit, she said that IF the area for the crown had been prepared correctly, they should have just had to make another impression, truly a 10 min thing. NOT numb and do all the other stuff they did initially. And then do it all AGAIN the final time. She said that this is NOT normal procedure and that if you EVER do not understand why a dentist is doing something, you need to STOP and ask and ASK AGAIN until you totally understand, before they proceed.
    She also said that the women crowding around watching were NOT hygienists but were dental assistants (she wanted to preserve the integrity of her sister hygienists on that point, apparently. 🙂 )

    Just wanted to feed that info back to you, as this was a horrific experience, but a complicated one as well.

    On a happier note, I am coming to Nashville tomorrow to attend a work summit at the Hutton Hotel downtown. VERY VERY Excited. Quick question – is it a safe area to walk/run a few miles around in the daytime?
    THANKS! and I hope by the time you are reading this, the crown is safe in your mouth and this chapter is CLOSED!

    • suburbanturmoil says:

      Thanks for the advice Amy. The Hutton Hotel is definitely safe- it is a great hotel, it’s near Vandy and there are a ton of students walking around in that area by day. 🙂 Have fun!

  14. cheesehead4ever says:

    As the daughter of an endodontist (root canals) I definitely advise you to contact the state board!
    Would love an update post!

  15. Janene Ward says:

    I am late to the party but I know your pain. I just had a PTSD flashback. I would rather give birth than have another root canal/crown procedure. Actually, a cleaning is tricky for me. They are a sick and evil group of people, those folks who are drawn to working on teeth. There must be a diagnosis in the DSMV for their special predilection. I hope you remain free of any tooth related trauma in the future and many you never hear the words “root planing” uttered in your presence.

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