Swimming With Sharks, and Other Stupid Ways to Die

  1. Jules says:

    Here-show your kids and they’ll never stop singing the song!


  2. that girl says:

    you have no idea how nice it was to read this! I absolutely have the same fear of SWTD…

    • suburbanturmoil says:

      So glad I’m not alone. 😀 I’d suggest a support group, but somehow I think that would only make things worse for SWTD sufferers…

  3. Salote says:

    How did you get back from the sandbar? 😀
    BTW sharks are in much more danger from us than the opposite. (shark finning-sooo sad) I think your children would remember you as a loving, caring person, willing to try new things rather than stupid.

    • suburbanturmoil says:

      I swam back in a complete panic!

      I love that you’re comforting me about how my kids would think of me if I had been eaten by sharks. 🙂 I have the best readers. Seriously.

  4. Gretta says:

    Once I randomly ate a giant piece of uncured pancetta without cooking it. At all. Raw pork. Inexplicably pulled it out of the fridge and right down the old hatch.
    I was absolutely panicked that I had contracted worms or worse and would die a horrifying death… my children… left to live with that legacy.
    Death by pancetta. SWTD.

  5. cheesehead4ever says:

    I would have been crying on the cliffs with you. We went to an overlook once and my husband took them over to a part without railing. I was pissed at him for days and I had nightmares for weeks!

  6. I'm an old mom now says:

    As a teenager I was with my mother visiting distant relatives and they showed us a movie of their trip to Yellowstone. Their kids (around 4 & 6, I think) were running around everywhere near the edges of steaming springs, leaning over railings to the degree their feet were off the ground, etc. Later I commented to my mother that I couldn’t believe the parents were letting them do what I said was risky behavior. She said she was glad I felt that way. She said just watching them in the movie made her terribly nervous even though she knew nothing happened because they were sitting right there on the sofa beside her.

  7. ivorykay5 says:

    Yes! I don’t mind the the thought of dying but if its in a stupid way I’d be pissed. My husband is already forwarned that if he gets me killed doing something stupid (those railingless dropoffs is a perfect example) I will haunt him forever.

  8. Amber says:

    I’m glad I’m not the only mom with this problem! We were on vacation in Scotland last week, and it’s beautiful and the trip of a lifetime, but every trail we hiked on had a crazy ledge or something, and it just really freaked me out. After a few days of this, my husband wanted to do a trail that was a very steep shot down the side of the cliff to a beach at the bottom. I started to go down it (my husband went first, and our 7 year old daughter was in the middle of us, so I was last), and I just freaked out. The stress from dealing with my anxiety for several days was too much, and I just couldn’t do it. I told them to go ahead, and I would just stay at the top, because I was too worried. So now my daughter can tell her friends that she did a trail that her mom was too scared to do!

    • suburbanturmoil says:

      This was TOTALLY my experience. One word of advice: DO NOT GO TO FALL CREEK FALLS STATE PARK IN TENNESSEE. 😉

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