Hi! I'm Lindsay Ferrier. You might remember me from a blog called Suburban Turmoil. Well, a lot has changed since I started that blog in 2005. My kids grew up, I got a divorce, and I finally left the suburbs for the heart of Nashville, where I feel like I truly belong. I have no idea what the future will hold and you know what? I'm okay with that. Thrilled, actually. It was time for something totally different.
January 16, 2007
Photos courtesy Yahoo.com
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>You should write for Go Fug Yourself! More please. The Beyonce line is hilarious.
>PERFECT description of Brad and Angelina! And yeah, what the HELL was up with Cameron Diaz???? I think some stylists were on vacation…
>She are so funny!!! I love it!!!
>That was priceless…
>LOL, that is too funny!! When my 5yo daughter saw Cameron Diaz walk out while we were watching the pre-show she said “Who is that?? She’s freaky!! I think she kinda scares me!” Funny cuz I was thinking the same thing!
>You sound alike a sad little person who is jealous of beautiful women.By the way, Rachel Weisz was beautiful.
>LOVE the title of Beyonce’s new show. Someone should commission that, stat.I’m stunned that a photo exists of Renee Zellwegger facing the cameras, she’s usually doing the ridiculous over-the-shoulder thing at them. Evidently she heard me complaining to my parents about it a few weeks ago and got to work on facing forwards.
>Pfft at anonymous. This chick is beautiful.That said, I must be the only one who really didn’t care that Angelina looked stand off-ish and didn’t want to answer questions. She just went through the big hullabaloo with Madonna and adoption activists kicking her arse so… I’d keep my mouth shut too if I had any brains about me. Apparently she does! I thought she looked regal. Maybe kind of waxy. But regal waxy. 🙂
>Melania Trump has had too much Botox and plastic surgery to even be able to smile. The Donald is just a plain ‘ol sourpuss due to some genetic defect I’m sure.
>anonymous said…You sound alike a sad little person who is jealous of beautiful women.wow. lighten up a little bit. or a lot, actually. linday’s post is what these shows are all about for the rest of us common folks–fun. maybe you ought to try it sometime. anyway, from what i can see, miss lindsay has nothing to be jealous of!
>LMAO!!!!Thanks. I needed that.
>Gah-ha-ha-ha-ha! I love it. Now going to hunt for more pics.
>Excellent work m’dear! Excellent.
>Poor Anonymous got here after doing a blogsearch for “Rachel Weisz.” I feel his/her pain. But she was truly amazing-looking, for someone who hadn’t washed her hair or tweezed her eyebrows in weeks…
>What about Siena Miller’s hair? She looked like she was channeling her inner Heidi. Kept waiting for her to start calling out for Grandpa-pa.
>What? No mention of the trainwreck that was Ashley Olsen? You know . . . “Mary Kate and Ashley?” Otherwise – nice, accurate job, methinks.
>It must be stylists’ week off! Cameron looked horrible!!!! But yes, Brangelina always looks like wax…..actually Madam T.’s version is better looking!!
>Beyonce must have been airing things out.
>oh and I found your comments very funny!
>Why didn’t someone stop Beyonce? Surely there was someone who wasn’t afraid to die that could have prevented this horrible mishap.
>I think all those ppl look like they’re in pain. I’ve never thought Cameron Diaz was pretty either. And I’ve always thought Dakota Fanning’s mother should smack her child’s stylist really hard and call me to rescue that poor kid from a slew of drab dresses and bad hairdos… Being famous is no excuse for bad taste. Poor Beyonce she’s usually very well put together, I think the camera just caught her in a bad moment LOL
>*snort*That was funny.
>I love this. Ha! Loved every caption!
>HA! You should work for one of the entertainment blog sites, live blogging the awards. Can’t wait for the Oscar fashion faux pases (is that a word?) now!
>I actually thought Rachel Weisz looked beautiful. Yeaah, the hair was a bit unkempt, but sometimes I like that better than the up-do. And her eyebrows are fine. (but of course, I have thick unruly eyebrows too, so perhaps that’s just me being a wee bit sensitive.)Reese Witherspoon annoys me, but I thought she looked hot. Renee Zellwegger always and forever looks awful. It’s her eyes and the horrible way her collarbones jut out from her emaciated frame. (Full disclosure: I am a frumpy housewife who is indeed jealous of these people with boatloads of cash who take themselves entirely too seriously.)
>Been reading and enjoying your exploits for some time! Love the comments and the pictures . . . you are too clever for words. Keep up the great work.
>Ha, I didn’t watch the show but I think you just pointed out the best parts for me. Although I was waiting for a Rosie O’Donnell punchline after the unhappy trump can photo. Too predictable?
>Oooo, SNARK! You DO belong on Go Fug Yourself – great post.
>You totally need to write on Go Fug yourself. I didn’t get to watch the Golden Globes, cuz I had to work at 5:15 on Tuesday~~~ugh~~~so thanks for the recap. Perfect. Loved the Beyonce line, good Lawd woman, stand like a lady.
>Best. Recap. Yet.
>I luurve that dress Jolie is wearing!
>That made me chuckle! Somehow seeing people who spend so much money and yet still look so bad makes me feel a lot better. Or at least, like my money is better spent. Look at me, I can look bad *without* paying someone! Thanks for the commentary!