Hi! I'm Lindsay Ferrier. You might remember me from a blog called Suburban Turmoil. Well, a lot has changed since I started that blog in 2005. My kids grew up, I got a divorce, and I finally left the suburbs for the heart of Nashville, where I feel like I truly belong. I have no idea what the future will hold and you know what? I'm okay with that. Thrilled, actually. It was time for something totally different.
September 12, 2012
At this moment, I am all alone in my house. There are no children arguing or screaming or throwing their toys down the stairs or demanding milk/crayons/entertainment. There are no sullen teenagers slamming doors or sleeping until 3:00 in the afternoon or blasting music. I have mixed feelings about the fact that every one of my children is now in school and I hope to write more about those feelings soon, but allow me to take a small moment to celebrate the part of me that’s been waiting for this moment for EIGHT LONG YEARS.
Because now, at last, that moment is here. It’s here! Seven hours a day, five days a week to do all the things I’ve been wanting to do and simply didn’t have the time/space to do it! I can write a book! Paint a wall! Organize family photos! See a movie! Take a nap! Go shopping! Draw a picture! Clean out closets! I can even sit in complete silence and DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
It’s heaven.
Of course, now that I have so much “free time,” the entire family has decided we need a dog. She’s coming tomorrow. She will be an inside dog. She had a troubled past and needs lots of attention. So my freedom will officially end again tomorrow at 3:30.
BUT I HAVE TODAY. And people? I’m going to enjoy it.
I’m beginning this day of freedom with a long overdue blog post. You, dear readers, have no idea how much I’ve missed you. I can’t believe how this entire year has flown by, but this summer in particular was a whirlwind the likes of which I’ve never seen before and will probably never see again. Most of you have been understanding. Many of you keep up with me on Facebook and know how much has been going on. But I’ve been surprised and amused to receive a few ANGRY e-mails about my absence. There are women out there who are absolutely LIVID that I’ve neglected my personal blog and temporarily cut back on my fashion posts for The Stir, and they’ve let me have it.
Which… Seriously? Write an angry e-mail because someone’s not blogging enough for your liking? WHO DOES THAT?
I chose to take those e-mails as backhanded compliments, and I chose to interpret their frustration and anger as something that has seeped out of their personal lives into their communications with total strangers. See? I’m maturing. It happens. However, lest ANYONE think I’ve been lazing around all summer on the sofa, watching “The Price is Right” and eating Hot Pockets, let me show you a partial list of what I’ve been up to over the past 3 1/2 months.
I kicked off my summer with a week in Manhattan, shooting half of season two of “I’ll Take That Dare” for CafeMom. Those dares included trapeze school, Kangoo, and performing in Times Square with nine Broadway dancers.
I spent the next week in Nashville shooting the rest of those dares, which included laughter yoga, burlesque dancing, an NFL workout, and this…
Aerial yoga. It looks cool, but I think I’ll limit future yoga classes to those that keep me a little more… grounded.
As soon as I wrapped this shoot, my entire family went to the beach. We got to the Florida coast just in time to experience Tropical Storm something-or-other, but we didn’t care one bit because our condominium, which was on loan from an extraordinarily generous friend, was amazing. I can’t wait to tell you about that week and all we did. We had a fantastic time.
Back at home for a few weeks, I did the summer camp/Vacation Bible School circuit with the kids. Punky did zoo camp and theater camp (pictured above) this year and loved both. Theater camp has been her favorite two years running. She also went to another camp which we didn’t love so much. Live and learn.
I also FINALLY scored reservations at The Catbird Seat, the hottest restaurant in Nashville, and as a special treat, I took my husband to dinner. The meal, which included about 20 tiny courses (one of the desserts is pictured above) and endless wine/cocktail pairings (thank God I’d thought to hire a driver) was the most incredible of my life. The bill at the end of the meal was shocking. SHOCKING. However, since I did not have six months to wash dishes for them in exchange for my food and wine, I paid it.
After that, I was off to New York again for a YouTube reporter conference, which included a surprise trip to see Diane Sawyer on the set of ABC News. She’s one of my heroes. I was thrilled.
I got home from that trip and got a shocking call from my father the next morning. My stepmother had died unexpectedly.
Her death has been hard on all of us. My husband and I left just a few hours after her funeral for a planned 10th anniversary trip to Quebec and I’ve been going hard ever since then, so I have been grieving during odd private moments here and there. Again, I’ll write more on this subject later.
Quebec City was absolutely lovely. We spent two nights in the upper part of the city, three nights in the countryside, and two more nights in the lower part of the city. We can’t wait to go back. I’ll tell you all about our experience in a future post. Promise.
The highlight for me was a whale watching expedition on the St. Lawrence River. We saw about a hundred whales, many from just a few feet away. It was one of the greatest moments of my life.
We returned from Quebec on a Saturday and I left a day later for a two-week road trip for Moms Matter through swing states Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida. You can see the videos from that trip here.
I had never been to Pennsylvania before. My favorite part was our drive through Amish country. It was gorgeous and I’d love to go back and spend a few days there.
We had a great time in Florida as well, although my only beach time was a quick run down to the ocean and back to the car! I met a lot of interesting people and learned about the personal side of a number of national issues, from voter fraud to teacher layoffs.
Back at home for a couple of weeks, I tried to fit in more of our traditional summertime family activities, from pool visits to walks in the park.
Many of you have asked me who took care of the children while I was out of town. My 19-year-old stepdaughter took the bulk of those days- We were basically her summer job. We also worked favorite babysitters into the mix throughout the summer, too, just to change things up- a few live here in our neighborhood and the kids love going over to their houses to play with their dogs and childhood toys. My husband has also really stepped up this year in helping with the kids and we’ve both agreed it’s been good for all of us. Not only does he know what’s it’s REALLY like for me now to have a full-time job (even from home) AND take care of most of the kids’ day-to-day needs, but he takes pride in the fact that he now knows how to do everything himself, from shampooing and conditioning Punky’s hair to making snacks and lunches to getting them dressed for school in the morning. Best of all, they now rely on him every bit as much as they’ve always relied on me. They ask for his help with things when he’s home now as much as they ask for mine- and that’s been good for all of us.
School started August first and I was grateful to be home for Bruiser’s first day of kindergarten. He has a fantastic teacher (as does Punky), and he already knew several kids in his class from preschool, so this transition wasn’t too stressful for us– a good thing since I had to leave two days later for BlogHer! Yes, I was headed back to New York City for a third time this summer (SIXTH time this year)!
Some of the highlights of my BlogHer weekend- I got to interview McDonalds CEO Jan Fields for The Stir. (She’s on the left. McDonalds nutritionist Cindy Goody is on the right.) I have gotten to know Jan pretty well over the last few years through my work with McDonalds and she’s really one of my idols. I love how warm and down-to-earth she is (not to mention how stylish!) despite the fact that she’s CEO of a MAJOR corporation. She’s a true business role model for me and I’m proud to know her.
The lovely ladies and men behind CafeMom hosted a fabulous party at their new offices on 5th Avenue and I got to lead the guests in a Burlesque lesson. While there, I also participated in this:
And I co-hosted the sixth annual CheeseburgHer Party along with Lena and Yvonne, who were pretty much the greatest friends to me that weekend that a girl could ever ask for. We’ve realized lately how many business partnerships we’ve seen over the years that have gone down in flames, with former friends becoming enemies because of the tension and stress of working together. I’m so grateful that our bond is stronger than ever. And we’ve been through a lot together, so that’s saying something!
The day after I returned from BlogHer, I started work on Season Three of “I’ll Take That Dare.” I don’t want to give too much away, but…
Wondering what I’m doing here? Well, all those little blurs in the shot are BATS.
Yep. I was in the zoo’s bat cave with dozens and dozens of bats going crazy all around me. *shudder*
And I did lots more, too, but you’ll have to wait for Season Three’s debut on CafeMom Studios to see what happened!
As soon as Season Three wrapped, I packed up the kids and went to visit my dad in Northeast Georgia.
We had a great time hanging out with him, roller skating at the rink I used to visit as a child (which hasn’t changed ONE SINGLE BIT), playing with cousins, and visiting an awesome children’s museum, where Punky found her grandpa guilty and sentenced him to jail.
The case is being appealed.
On our last day, I drove to Atlanta to spend the night at my mom and stepdad’s house. We got a quick visit in with them…
…and with Chick Chick, their great grandmother, who has her own apartment downstairs and is still (as she was when I was a kid) the purveyor of a seemingly endless supply of Little Debbie snacks. Consequently, the children find many, many, many excuses to go downstairs and check in on her throughout the day!
While the kids stayed with their grandparents, I stopped by CNN headquarters in downtown Atlanta for an interview about the CafeMom Road Trip with Kyra Phillips on HLN.
All week long, HLN aired our Moms Matter Road Trip reports on “Evening Express.” This was HUGE for me personally. As many of you know, I was a TV reporter and anchor and I gave that up in 2002 to take care of my stepdaughters and have children of my own. To leave my career for an entire decade and then have the opportunity to return and appear on national television was a terrific feeling. It has been nice this year to discover that I haven’t lost my TV news skills. I like to think that my life experience, coupled with the fact that my self-worth no longer hinges on how I do in my career, has actually made me better.
And this (are you stil with me?) brings us to the moment I had been anticipating/dreading all summer long.
The political conventions. They were big. They were back-to-back. And since I had agreed to moderate a panel at The Niche Mommy Conference in New Orleans right before the first convention started, they meant that I’d essentially be away from my family for 14 days— longer than I’d ever been apart from them before.
CafeMom partnered with HLN for coverage of both conventions, which meant I would be reporting for Moms Matter on YouTube, co-moderating mom panels at both conventions for CafeMom and HLN, and appearing live on HLN during the conventions to discuss what moms were saying about convention events and speakers.
No pressure!
Sooo many things could have gone wrong. But I got lucky. Everything went right.
For starters, the HLN staff was AMAZING. They couldn’t have been nicer or more helpful. Kyra Phillips was a dream to work with (and she has 18-month-old twins of her own!) and she completely put me at ease. As a result, the mom panels ended up being less stilted television interviews and more wonderful, warm conversations between bright, eloquent women from both parties.
HLN also shared their camera platform at the conventions with us, which meant that we got fantastic footage of the major campaign speeches–
— and that this was MY view of my first ever convention.
Not to mention this– another of those once-in-a-lifetime moments I’ll never forget.
Of course, being the host of “I’ll Take That Dare,” you know I had to work a little fun into the convention coverage as well…
But on the serious side, I’m so proud of, and frankly, awed by, all we managed to accomplish. Over eight actual convention days, our team managed to post 48 videos, ranging from interviews with cabinet members like Kathleen Sebelius (pictured above), to campaign speech highlights, to protest videos, to stories about Mormon moms, Latina moms, 18-year-old delegates, and hot-button issues like abortion. Things literally couldn’t have gone any better and I’m so grateful I got to work with a team of people who had tremendous talent as well as patience and kindness. To spend two weeks in close quarters with eleven other people, do so much, and get along so well, was truly a testament to… well, to everyone!
I flew home on a red-eye Friday morning, beyond exhausted but so very happy. I remember looking at my summer schedule back in May and thinking to myself that I just needed to put my head down and get through it… and as I did just that, I tried to continually remind myself that this busy time would only last a few months. Now I’m at the end, and I can’t believe all that’s happened in such a short time. Today, I’m home, my kids are happy, my husband is happy, and I’m happy and proud of all I’ve done. I’m also happy that my September calendar (at this moment, anyway) is EMPTY. Sure, Election Day is coming up and we’ll have plenty more Moms Matter coverage before then, but the conventions were my major hurdles and it feels good to have cleared them. It also feels good to have time to blog again!
So in summary, to those women who were angry that I haven’t blogged much lately? Three words.
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I wasn’t about to send you an angry email or anything but I did think to myself yesterday…where has that Lindsey gone! Glad to see you back here!
Ha! Well, I know how you feel, because I STILL haven’t gotten over certain bloggers quitting back in 2006 and 2007! But I promise, this hiatus was only temporary.
I asked after you on FB, and definitely understood THEN read about your Stepmom and couldn’t fathom how you carried on with such grace in the face of family tragedy. You ARE an inspiration and although I’m sure it’s quite against the “rules” would love to know how you’re actually feeling about who’s on the right side of the fence in this campaign! I had to ask…I know you can’t answer…
I have missed you this summer, as well, but I figured with the political campaigns heating up, and all your dares, and the little people in your house, and all–well, I’m glad you’re back! And I’m very sorry about your sweet stepmother.
(And I will admit to cheering a little inside when I saw your post about Sally Hansen nail stickers on The Stir yesterday. She’s (Back and) Still Got It!)
Thank you, Keryn! I needed a fashion break- I wasn’t thrilled with the clothing over the last few seasons. I’m just now starting to get excited again about the fall season, so I think that will benefit everyone! 🙂
Good Lord, woman. Did you have time to breathe, or think, or sleep, or be still at all? Holy cow! I thought I was busy, but you have put me to total shame! So proud of you- xoxoxo
I could never maintain this pace. It was sort of the summer of a lifetime. And I think about how busy you are all the time! 🙂
WOW! That’s some summer you’ve had! What a ride! You’re had some amazing adventures. Glad you survived and enjoy your empty September calendar.
P.S. I think people were angry because they missed you and needed your inspiration. 🙂
I like to think that too, but the insults about what I’m currently doing instead were a bit much! 😉
I love you and I’m proud of you! And I owe you a phone call. 🙂 Aaand next year can you bring face powder to our party for me in your purse? Hahhaha
You’re GLOWING with health! 🙂 Thank you for being such a good friend.
That is just so so amazing! I’m very proud of you and all your hard work. 🙂
Thank you! It was fun for three months, but I’m so glad things have calmed down now.
I’m so amazed at all you’ve been able to do! You’ve been missed in this space, though, and I’m glad you’re back. Although I have to admit, I’ve spent less this summer without your posts on where all the good sales are. 🙂
I’m anxious to hear more about your Quebec trip; my husband and I went there last summer for our 20th anniversary and LOVED it. Whale watching was the biggest highlight for me, and I thought the old part of Quebec City looked like it belonged in Disney World, it was so perfect.
I can’t wait to write about it. I was dubious about leaving Quebec City, but the countryside ended up being our favorite part of the trip.
I am so proud of you and inspired by you and laughing, crying and gasping along with you. Here’s to you…and to Hot Pockets. xoxo
Thanks, Jess! I’m so proud of all of YOU’RE doing! It’s great to see so many of my “mom blogger” friends achieving their dreams this year.
yeah welcome back! such an interesting summer you’ve had!!
Thanks, Rachel, it’s great to be back!
Whew! what a whirl-wind summer!
I’ve missed you and have been looking forward to the return of this blog in particular. I’ll have to go back at my leisure and make sure I’ve watched all of the I’ll Take That Dare videos.
Welcome back!
Thanks, Nancy! Season three is coming soon. 🙂
I know that bend in the street from Old Quebec, I adore it there. I am a working Mom myself, and have absolutely no idea how you pulled all that off. You are incredible, kudos to you!
Rest assured, I have been a drooling mass of do-nothing for the past two weeks. 😉
Oh my word, Lindsay! I am tired just reading all of this 🙂 I am so glad you’re back, and I just wanted to let you know that I will be here to read even if your next post isn’t for a year. And, I promise, no angry emails 😉
Thanks, Jenna! 🙂
Well, I need a vacation reading all that you have been up to!!
But, seriously? You are one hell of a woman with so much to tend to. It sounds exhilarating, and fabulous and just overflowing with new people to connect with and such wonderful opportunities for you to showcase all that you have to offer. Cheers, big hugs and a toast to you–you are inspiring!
I am glad you are back. I missed your posts.
Thank you- I have missed all of you!
Great to hear about your incredible summer! I’m sorry we didn’t have a chance to meet up in PA. I heard you say in your Reading piece that the state budget was slashed b/c stimulus money dried up, and that is just not the whole story! If you ever get a chance to work on PA education stuff again I would urge you to look at our blog about the PA ed budget, http://yinzercation.wordpress.com/news/.
Look forward to reading more about all of your adventures!
Sorry you got hate mail. I have missed your posts, but I figured you had important things going on. I am glad you are back! You have been a busy lady! Take care or yourself.
I’ve missed you terribly, but am so glad for you! Welcome home!
So glad to have you back! I figured you were busy working on exciting projects. It’s wonderful to hear the child rearing duties are being equally distributed. I hope to achieve the same one day. I ‘m very sorry to hear about the sudden death of your stepmother. Losing a family member is terrible and when it happens suddenly is even more so devastating. I wish you and your family peace in your time of sorrow.
The reading of Fifty Shades of Grey is hilarious. I’ve never read any of the book since I’m not into smut or terrible writing, but this is brilliant! I sent the video to my book club gals. Granted, I’m a good 20-30 years younger than all of them, but I know they will think it is funny too. Frankly, I think we ought to hold a special meeting and do our own dramatic readings. It might just be too hot for youtube!
Do it! That was a huge hit at the CafeMom party!
i’ve just skimmed this post, but OMG-Bruiser has grown up- he almost looks like a little man and not a boy.
glad you have you back!
Luckily, he cuddles more now than he ever did as a small child, so it’s all good. 🙂
That makes me tired.
[…] gave a pretty good recap of my summer in this post, complete with pictures and links and all that good […]
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