Hi! I'm Lindsay Ferrier. You might remember me from a blog called Suburban Turmoil. Well, a lot has changed since I started that blog in 2005. My kids grew up, I got a divorce, and I finally left the suburbs for the heart of Nashville, where I feel like I truly belong. I have no idea what the future will hold and you know what? I'm okay with that. Thrilled, actually. It was time for something totally different.
May 9, 2014
This is a sponsored post on behalf of Cottonelle.
After a week filled with laundry and soccer practices and work and the kids’ school events, it’s hard to believe that just last Saturday, I was having one of the best days EVER at the Kentucky Derby.
I’m so grateful that Cottonelle gave me the opportunity to go- and I’m so glad I was able to share the experience with you guys here and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. As a result, everywhere I’ve gone this week, I’ve talked to people who’d seen pictures, Tweets, and posts online and wanted to know all about it.
Now that I’ve had some time to decompress, here are a few tips for those of you thinking of going.
–Wondering whether it’s worth the money? YES, IT IS DEFINITELY WORTH THE MONEY. The actual Derby race may be only two minutes long, but that is only a part of the experience. Races are happening all day long and you can bet on all of them, and you can spend hours simply walking around and looking at all the finery. It is truly a full day of fun.
–When you’re putting your outfit together, remember that it’s impossible to go TOO big at the Derby- Find the wildest hat you can and wear it with pride- You’ll fit right in! The Derby is also a great opportunity for men to buy that seersucker suit and bow tie they’ve secretly always wanted- Add a straw boater and you’re good to go.
–I was worried that the Derby would be full of drunken idiots, but while there was definitely LOTS of alcohol on hand, everyone seemed to be on his or her best behavior (I can’t speak for what happened in the infield, though, because I never made it over there). I attributed this to the fact that everyone was so dressed up- When you’re wearing a suit or garden party dress and enormous hat, it sort of goes against the grain to act trashy, you know?
–While there were kids at the Derby, there weren’t many- and now that I’ve been, I wouldn’t bring my small children with me. It’s just too crowded- There were moments where we were literally body-to-body- and that’s one of my nightmare scenarios with kids in tow. Instead, take the kids to a normal race weekend at Churchill Downs. Races go on all day, there are plenty of great (front row!) seats to be had, and a good time will be had by all.
–Be sure to bring suncreen, refresher makeup, breath mints, plenty of CASH (bets and drinks are cash only, and the lines at the ATMs are LONNNNNG), extra juice for your smartphone (you won’t be able to find an outlet to recharge), and a packet of Cottonelle Fresh Care Flushable Cleansing Cloths, because you never know what you will (or won’t) encounter in a super-crowded public bathroom. Also? Those cleansing cloths are very handy at removing lipstick!
–If you can swing it, it’s worth it to invest in a driver (maybe go in with a few friends?). Parking is a beast, traffic is horrendous, drinks are aplenty, and you can avoid a major headache by being dropped off and picked up at the gate.
Cottonelle’s sponsorship ended up being a godsend for thousands of people at the Derby- The terrace level bathrooms were freshened up with Cottonelle products, which was a real treat in a big stadium bathroom.
And I loved getting to spend time in the Cottonelle Clean Room, hanging out with Cottonelle spokesperson Cherry Healey and watching the celebrities go by. Here’s the video Cherry made for the TV talk show, Bethenny.
Cute, right?
For coupons and more information, check out the Cottonelle website. Join in the Cottonelle conversation by following Cottonelle on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and using the hashtag #letstalkbums.
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