Trying to Make Sense of a Tragedy

  1. Jaime aka SoCalled Supermom says:

    As always, amazing post!!

    Last night, watching the video of the blasts over and over and over again, I was struck by the horribleness of it all. But i was also smiling — at the fact that SO MANY people were running TOWARDS the destruction, running TOWARDS complete strangers who needed help. It gave me hope in our world even in the middle of such a tragedy.

    • suburbanturmoil says:

      It did seem like people were quicker to pitch in and help this time around- either in real life or online. Maybe these tragedies are helping us to move outside our comfort zones and do what we need to do to help. That’s pretty awesome.

  2. Kimberly says:

    And the vast majority of people are good. The vast majority of people were running to help, not to hurt. I love this quote:

    You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean;
    if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. – Mohandas Gandhi

  3. Sara says:

    A strong post on a difficult topic.


  4. Melissa says:

    The good people will always outnumber the bad. Always. ALWAYS.

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