Hi! I'm Lindsay Ferrier. You might remember me from a blog called Suburban Turmoil. Well, a lot has changed since I started that blog in 2005. My kids grew up, I got a divorce, and I finally left the suburbs for the heart of Nashville, where I feel like I truly belong. I have no idea what the future will hold and you know what? I'm okay with that. Thrilled, actually. It was time for something totally different.
March 26, 2012
…a trip to Walt Disney World!
This week will not be about the presidential election, doing housework, planning preschool Easter egg hunts, dreaming up new style dares, scheduling news interviews, writing fashion posts, doing homework, dealing with college girl angst, making dinner, setting appointments, doing yardwork, working on projects, traveling for business, doing laundry, or … blogging.
This week will be about FUN. My family and I are currently inside the Disney bubble.
Real life can wait.
See you next week!
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I’m sure you’ll have tons of fun and take many wonderful pics! Enjoy!
[…] Party and I’m Never Growing Up101 in 1001A Snapshot of My DayIt’s Just A Jokesecond duiWe Interrupt this Blog for… ‹ Suburban Turmoil //specify URLs to randomly select from and pop-under var popunder=new Array() […]
Enjoy your trip and don’t forget to post pics later!
Have a BLAST! We just went for the first time and absolutely loved it. I am still writing about it LOL. If you want a fantastic meal at Epcot check out Via Napoli…it is amazing.
Have great fun there. Enjoy each moment with family.
AHHHHH!!!!! You are soo close yet still so far away….im in Ft. Lauderdale. i shall be beaching it with the boy and the man. Have fun!!!!
Yey! Have fun! And don’t forget to tell us about it when you’re back 🙂
All I can hear now is the song from the Disney commercial “good,good life!” Have a wonderful time. I can’t wait until my son is old enough to enjoy Disney.
[…] boy turned five. I still don’t know how he got so big so fast. And we ended the month with a dream trip to Walt Disney World, which we all absolutely […]