Hi! I'm Lindsay Ferrier. You might remember me from a blog called Suburban Turmoil. Well, a lot has changed since I started that blog in 2005. My kids grew up, I got a divorce, and I finally left the suburbs for the heart of Nashville, where I feel like I truly belong. I have no idea what the future will hold and you know what? I'm okay with that. Thrilled, actually. It was time for something totally different.
February 28, 2013
I wrote a post Tuesday about some of the things I’ve done to help my kids love to read. I wrote it just because I enjoy sharing this kind of information, in the same way that I like sharing recipes. Hey! I tried this! It worked! It might work for you, too!
You all had some great tips of your own in the comments, but one comment in particular stood out. It was from a woman I don’t know personally, but I feel like I know her because we’ve been commenting back and forth for a very long time. And here’s what she had to say:
Bad mother guilt abounding here. I haven’t done enough of what you describe and my son, Punky’s age, does not love to read. I know it’s not too late, but I’m loathe to think about the work it is going to take to reverse what I could have been doing these last 3 years. Sad, guilty, sad, tired, and recovering from a 2 week bout with the latest stomach bug from Sydney Australia.
This really stuck with me, because I can’t count the number of times I’ve felt the exact same way lately, after reading posts on other mom blogs. I’ve seen entirely too many blogs lately that are brimming with photos of immaculate, perfectly-decorated houses, smartly dressed, beaming children, evenly-browned cookies, artful and elaborate crafts, and descriptions of too many moments of golden happiness to count- and I have felt completely down and inadequate. Because I will never be that blog. I will never have that life, even with my special camera lens and my Instagram filter. Things here are far from perfect. My kids are far from perfect. My marriage is far from perfect. Even my recipe photographs, one reader informed me, are far from perfect. This is my truth, and I’m guessing its yours, too. (Minus the recipe photographs, of course. I’m sure yours turn out beautifully.)
So moms, why do we continue to feel the need to pretend that things are otherwise? And why do we let guilt consume us by assuming others’ facades of perfection are the real deal? It’s maddening!
This has been especially frustrating to me in the mom blogging world. If you’ve been reading mom blogs for any length of time, you know that not so many years ago, they were one of the very few places you could go to see how life REALLY is for other mothers. I remember the liberating feeling of discovering that mom blogging world back in 2005 and reading what moms had to say about the boredom of motherhood. The frustration. The alienation. It was so different from the “mom stories” I was reading in baby and parenting magazines– and it felt GREAT.
Over the last few years, though, mom blogs as a whole have changed, and most of the well-trafficked ones are as glossy and sanitized and Photoshopped as any magazine. I blame a few things for this- Pinterest is one. Trying to appeal to advertisers and sponsors is another. And I can’t overlook the fact that criticism of “honest” mom bloggers is at an all-time high. Now that everyone’s reading blogs, people seem downright eager to jump on any mom who admits to being less than perfect. As a result, it’s never been so scary to put myself- my REAL self- out there. I have so many “drive-by” readers now- people who find my blog via a search or a shared post on Facebook or Twitter. They read one post, assume they know everything there is to know about me and comment accordingly. It’s bad enough when they criticize me, but occasionally, the criticism extends to my kids. And I’m not okay with that.
The result of all these factors is that our mom blogging space is being scrubbed clean. We’re reading each other’s blogs now and instead of feeling like we’re not alone, and we are, none of us, perfect, we’re left feeling… awful.
And I don’t want you to feel that way when you come here. I tell myself often that I’m going to try to be brave and continue writing honestly and openly, that I’m going to make sure my blog is MY space and not what I think PR reps and brands want to see, that I’m going to do it all knowing that the more readers I have, the more awful comments and criticism will come my way. And I can take it.
But truthfully, it’s not always easy. It’s not comfortable. And it makes my stomach hurt a little sometimes when people leave downright mean comments just because they disagree with something I’ve written or something I’ve done.
This is a lot to extrapolate from one comment left by an online friend suffering from Australian stomach flu.
I want it to serve as a reminder to me, though, that when it comes to this blog, the bad is as valuable as the good… drive-by comments be damned. I want us to be able to have brutally honest conversations here about motherhood and womanhood and life in general. There are not enough places where these conversations can happen, and that’s a shame. I want to continue creating a space here where you feel safe doing that.
And this post serves simply as a reminder to myself of why I’m here.
We now continue with our regularly scheduled programming.
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Okay you are not my sister but AMEN SISTER! If I could give you 10 hi-fives I would. I am beyond disgusted with the phony images (or maybe not so phony because some people are really like that) that are displayed on some of these my kids are perfect, we do 25 million after school activities daily, I manage to keep my house looking like a palace and we save all of our money and have paid off every debt in life blogs lol!
I for the longest use to beat myself up but then I started realizing if my Instagram filter makes me or that food shot look 10x better then imagine what it does for the person who may have a prettier background or takes better pics then me. I look at bloggers who seem to have it altogether then suddenly but surely you see they are divorced or what ever the situation is. I am no longer fooled by clean sterile perfect blogs with $800 logos and $3000 designs , $1000 Canon pictures and perfect pinterest worthy interior photos.
I will take my kids who aren’t always immaculate, my living room that needs a good baseboard scrubbing and my husband who does drive me crazy sometimes any day because that’s my life and I am who I am. I don’t want to live a perfect picture life for anyone, other then myself.
Good for you! Love this comment!
Lindsey, you don’t know me, but I’ve seen you around Nashville at various restaurants and events. You always seem so perfect! It’s nice to hear that everyone, even you, feels flawed and uncertain at times. Keep writing and keep your spirits up! I love your blog.
Thank you, but that just blows my mind. I never feel more flawed than when out in public. Realizing that most everyone feels that way has really helped!
Oops, just realized I spelled your name wrong. My apologies.
This is why you are my favorite.
Aw, shucks.
This, Lindsay, is why I’ve been reading since “The Blender” on Parents.com.
Thank you for saying that. 🙂
Amen! I commented about this once before but I just want to remind you how I found your blog… and stayed. I googled “I have maggots in my trashcan.” You had the funniest post about it and at the time, it was summer and since you’re being honest I will too – I also had maggots in my garbage can. I didn’t know how to get rid of them.
Somehow I don’t see people pinning those honest things on Pinterest! Anyway, I came all those years ago and I stayed because I like your writing – your honesty, imperfectness and humor. I think you were pregnant with Bruiser when I started reading.
Recently I subscribed to a blog that caught my eye but I find that when I get updates about new entries I just roll my eyes because I’m so sick of her and her perfectly decorated house and perfectly dressed kids with ridiculously adorable haircuts. I feel like it’s a GapKids ad instead of a blog.
Ha ha! I totally remember that post. I should Pin the photo of my husband washing the maggots out! LOL.
Tricia, that was a LONG time ago. Thanks for sticking around!
I hate Pinterest. I refuse to join it. It’s just a big long glossy and well-photographed list of crap I am never going to do, engineered to make moms feel bad about themselves. I try to do other stuff instead. Like hang out with my kids.
Wow! What blogs ARE there that show such perfection? You must know about some blogs that I don’t. Anyway, I like your blog because your tone is upbeat even though you never try to make us believe it’s all perfect at your house. Now, you asked why some moms feel like they need to pretend that things are perfect? Well, I can say this — I think that nobody wants to be the “Woe is Me” Mom on facebook who is constantly posting negative stuff. They are probably giving themselves a boost by posting their houses and children on good days. After all, isn’t it more fun to look at kids in their new clothes than to see photos of black mold on the walls? ….. Also, everything you’ve just described is why I would never write a blog. I couldn’t take the negative comments — so I want to applaud you for your courage!
Hmm, if there’s black mold, I WANT TO SEE IT! 😉
Echo here for disliking Pinterest also……but Lindsay Ferrier is always a win! I too love reading your blog because you seem to shoot from the hip, with no agenda, which is the best way 🙂 I’m a long-time reader too, and found you by searching the name of my neighborhood and stumbled across your mom’s club debacle. I do firmly believe that sites like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram have turned people to a mentality of “here’s what I’m doing” rather than “how are you?” Anywhooooo, I enjoy reading you every day! Thank you for the honesty, humor, and information!
Thanks, Tricia!
Oh no! It was my comments that inspired this post! I don’t read many mom blogs. Only yours. I used to read Mycharmingkids but she quit her blog last year. I LOVE the information you throw out—recently on how to keep kids entertained in the winter, the reading post was amazing (I wish I had read it three years ago!), recipes, everything. I don’t think you are a “look at me my life is perfect” blogger. Perhaps there was a slightly more raw quality to your blog when I first started reading it….SIX YEARS AGO, wow, but then our kids were a lot younger and we were, as you point out, getting a lot less sleep!!!! I really don’t think there is a rampant case of momupmanship. At least not any more than usual. We’re all trying hard and doing our best. And sometimes when I really do my best I like to post pictures of it (V-day cookies, sleep chart, etc.). And there are different audiences. I’m often trying to impress my MIL, who was a stay at home mom, and I’m trying to show that I’m present and “home”, even though I’m a work out of the home mom. You know? Anyway. You are great. I’ve followed you for years because you are a great writer, hilarious, a great mom, and completely human. Thanks for being out there.
I think Pinterest and Facebook have definitely increased the momupmanship- online and in real life. I’m hearing more and more complaints from other moms about reading Facebook and Pinterest and feeling like they can’t keep up with the other mothers. And I just really don’t want to contribute to that in any way…
You don’t! Believe me, you don’t.
And, what’s more, is I have been trying a bunch of your ideas. We started Harry Potter last night, and I’m using the sleep chart idea with “pleasure reading.” Jacob is earning a Pillow Pet Dream Light by reading at least one chapter of a chapter book every day. And I’ve been trying to model reading more. It’s not as hard as I worried it would be :-).
Yet another update from the reading experiment. I made my kids sit through me reading the first two chapters of Harry Potter. And now they CAN’T get enough. Today was a snow day (no school) and I read Harry Potter for FOUR HOURS. Anyway. If you wrote one of those perfect blogs I wouldn’t be reading you. I learn from you, helpful tips, but also the gentle and vital art of self forgiveness. The hardest parenting trick of all.
I read you back when you were Lucinda (something like that) I read as many mom blogs as I could find. Now, just yours. Thanks for staying true to who you are!
Thank you Sasha!
I don’t like the “perfect” blogs. And I hate parenting magazines. Because my life looks nothing like them. You know what my favorite post you ever did is? Like, EVER? The one about Bruiser finally going poop on the potty. I go and track it down every once in a while to remind myself that not every mom has their children perfectly potty trained in a day at the age of two.
I’ve learned a lot in the three years I’ve been a mom. One of the things I’ve learned is that my child is MY child. He is unique. He is an individual. He has a mind that is smarter than I know. I can’t plug some formula into him and expect perfect results. Sometimes I come across good ideas on blogs or whatever when I’m looking for ways to do something with him, but I also come across a lot of stuff that I can take one look at and I know that’s not for my child. And it doesn’t mean I’m a bad mom.
So y’know what? My three year old is still in diapers. THERE I SAID IT. MY THREE YEAR OLD SON IS STILL IN DIAPERS AND I DON’T CARE. He refuses to sit on the stupid potty and acts like we’re torturing him if we encourage him to. He doesn’t like books that much. He pretty much only eats carbs on any given day and throws a huge fit if we put anything green on his plate. And he’s speech-delayed. Which isn’t my fault but I felt for a long time like it was.
So he’s not like the “average” child. But I don’t care. He’s mine. And I love him so much it feels like my heart is going to explode every time I look at him. So I take every blog with a grain of salt. I am so happy for you that your kids love to read! I love to read and I hope my children do too someday. But they may not, and if that’s the case, I’m just going to have to be okay with that, because it’s not my job to make them perfect. It’s my job to love the living daylights out of them.
You’re awesome, Melissa. Thanks for keeping it real. 🙂 I think all of our kids have a laundry list of imperfections- They’re strong in some areas, weak in others. Some of us are just more honest about this than others!
I wish moms were more honest about this instead of trying so hard to make their kids look like the best all the time. That’s a lot of pressure to put on a kid.
My first daughter was trained a week after her third birthday. My second daughter was 3 and a half. Tried at two and a half with both and failed miserably. They just weren’t ready! Do do not feel bad!
Thank you!!!! Most of the time when it comes up that my oldest son isn’t potty trained yet I end up getting told everything I must be doing wrong. LOL Which is another thing that bugs me – why do other moms assume I’m just doing it wrong? Do I give off an air of incompetence? Sheesh.
Lindsay, this is exactly why I read your blog. I’m a long-time reader (but hardly ever comment) and I LIKE that you’re not perfect and that you don’t pretend to be. I’m so tired of the illusion of perfection – on blogs, at church, in the schoolyard, at work. None of us are perfect, none of us have it together, all of us have weaknesses, and yet we swallow this illusion hook, line and sinker. So thank you for being honest, and for standing up to this insane pressure to look like you’ve got it all together.
Thank you, Victoria! I realized last year that now that I’ve been raising kids for 12 years and have experienced every age of childhood, I do have some perspective and I shouldn’t be afraid to share it. But I don’t want to come off as EVER having all the answers, because– ANNOYING. I’m reading a book about motherhood now with an author who’s making me insane because every anecdote is about her perfectly perfect children and how she made them so perfect. UGH.
You know, this is very interesting. I am 55 now (how did that happen?) and my kids are grown and on their own. I love your blog and have read it for years for the heartwarming stories and laughs and the way it makes me reminisce of my own early mom days. I like Pinterest too, for ideas, recipes, gardening tips. I’m totally non crafty or creative, so I guess I don’t feel competitive. I just take what I can use.
And I guess that’s how I look at this whole mom-upsmanship thing. If you enter the competition, you always will feel like you are losing. With the benefit of hindsight, I can see how little of that stuff really matters. Life dishes out its share of ups/downs and mostly in betweens to us all. It is how we respond to those things that matters – with love, kindness, courage, and hopefully a bit of our dignity… The perfect hair/nails/makeup/kids rooms and outfits/crafts…not so much.
Watching you blossom as a writer, journalist, of course mom, and Dare-taker has been a lovely piece of pleasure that I fit into my day.
I continually try to remind myself that the little stuff doesn’t matter- but often, that’s easier said than done! Thanks for your perspective.
I will admit that this post did make me feel inferior. I was a book addict as a child. I read all the time to my girls. They definitely did not inherit my love of reading. They read, yes. But the only time my oldest has been sucked into books is when she was absorbing the Hunger Games series or the Twilight series. I only wish they would spend their spare time with their noses in books.