Things to Do in Savannah Without Kids

  1. babybloomr says:

    One of my favorite cities on the planet, and you nailed it, especially the Bonaventure Cemetery– Madi Rose wants to be married there! If I may be so bold, I would also add breakfast at Clary’s (funky, down home) and a tour of the Juliette Low house and the Mercer-WIlliams house museum (scene of the Midnight In The Garden of Good and Evil murder.) Annnnd now I’m pining for Savannah…

    • suburbanturmoil says:

      Great suggestions! I heard they won’t answer any questions about “Midnight” on the Mercer House tour! Weird…

      • babybloomr says:

        Yeah, they are a little touchy about the subject… But the house is phenomenal– one of the most eclectic art and antique collections I have ever seen. He may have been a murderer, but he had a very good eye for design!

  2. bereccah5 says:

    Confession: I have lived in Charleston my entire life and have never been to Savannah. Isn’t that a crime?! Thanks for the list – I’ve been wanting to go and this will be a great help!

  3. Kimberly says:

    Wow! I want to go there now! I loved looking at all of the pictures..such a beautiful place.

  4. 3boys says:

    Just a couple of things you missed. It’s not hard when there is so much.
    Lunch at Mrs. Wilkes Boarding House. Family style southern cooking, wait in line, sit with strangers.
    Wormsloe historic site – a mile long oak alley as seen in the Forest Gump film.
    Tybee island – take a nature tour with sundial charters.
    Fort Pulaski – Many people fail to walk completely around the fort and miss the side with civil war shells embedded in the brick fortifications.

    I went to the Savannah College of Art and Design some 25 years ago and I still love the city. You could easily live your entire life within a half-mile radius of your apartment. I used to grab a drink at Pinkies during the 15 minute break of my evening classes.

    • suburbanturmoil says:

      I should add a warning about Pinkie’s — DO NOT go to the bathroom if you can possibly avoid it!

  5. eep86 says:

    We went to a wedding in Savannah (our friends have since moved) and we loved it. We were only there about 24 hours, but managed to wander around downtown and grab a delicious lunch at Vicks on the River. That was about five years ago, so I have no idea if it is still open, but it was on Water Avenue and actually really affordable.

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